Will The Accident Lawyer In Cambridge Work On A Settlement Before Trial?

In most legal claims arising from accidents, the lawsuit is resolved before a trial in a civil court. A typical settlement involves the plaintiff giving up their right to seek further legal action in return for an agreed-upon amount by the defendant or his insurance company. Before agreeing to a settlement, it is wise to hire an experienced Accident Lawyer in Cambridge with a proven record of success and a good understanding of what is fair and reasonable in your case.

Faster Process

One of the main reasons it is better to settle your injury case outside the court is its faster process. The average duration of a personal injury case in court runs from six months up to two years or more. In addition, this may also depend on how complex your case is. However, if you decide to resolve your case out of court with the negligent party, you can receive your settlement check on time.

Less Expensive

Going to court is expensive. Car Accident Lawyer in Cambridge have to be paid, and they often charge a lot of money for their services. If you’re successful, you’ll probably be able to recover your legal fees from the other party as part of your damages, but there’s no guarantee you’re going to win. Even if you do win, it could take years for the case to go through trial and appeals before you see any money from the other party in payment of those fees. If there’s a chance you might lose, then all that money spent on lawyers will be wasted.

Avoid Complex Trials

Settling a personal injury case outside of court before your trial can save you much stress and anxiety. A good Accident Lawyer in Cambridge should be able to settle your case out of court to avoid the need for a lengthy court process and handle all the unpleasant depositions along the way. It’s often the most practical way to resolve a case if you don’t have much time or money to spend on litigation.

While most people who settle their claims do so because they want fast compensation and peace of mind, there are some situations when it’s best not to settle, such as when:

• Your injuries are catastrophic or potentially fatal.
• You have large medical bills that you’re unable to pay.
• You’ve lost wages from being unable to work due to your injuries.
• Your case involves complex legal matters.

The Bottom Line

The role of an experienced Car Accident Lawyer in Cambridge is to help you understand your rights and evaluate your case, including the strengths and weaknesses of your claims, as well as the defenses and risks faced by the defendant. Your attorney will pursue a fair and reasonable settlement given all of these factors, usually on your behalf, without you having to attend court for the hearing, significantly if it does not alter the settlement terms. Visit Here: BLFC Injury Law

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