Is It Beneficial To Hire An Injury Lawyer In Cambridge After An Accident?

Many of us may require hiring a personal injury lawyer if we get injured due to negligence of someone else. Along with physical injuries, accidents may also lead to emotional stress and financial distress. Medical expenses keep on mounting during the recovery phase after an accident. Medical expenses include ongoing and future expenses. Moreover, victims and their families may also face financial distress because of wage loss due to absence from work. An injury lawyer in Cambridge helps clients get compensation for their losses. An injury lawyer also gives moral support to their clients so that they can navigate through the legal process of personal injury claim.


Is hiring a personal injury lawyer mandatory?

Often accident victims ask the question if it is mandatory to hire an injury lawyer in Cambridge after an accident. Accident victims may pursue their claim cases without hiring a personal injury lawyer. Personal injury law is complex and time-consuming. It is never possible for accident victims and their families to handle the legal proceedings while recovering from injuries. Lack of legal knowledge may lower the chances of winning your case and settlement recovery. Hiring an expert personal injury lawyer will ensure you win the case and get the maximum settlement amount. Having a personal injury lawyer also ensures that you can fully concentrate on your recovery while your injury lawyer in Cambridge handles all legal aspects of your claim recovery.

What is the cost of hiring a personal injury lawyer?

Most personal injury lawyers work on a contingency fees’ basis. It means that the lawyer will not get paid until their claim settles or the trial is complete. If the client loses the case, the lawyer will not charge any fee for his or her service. A certain percentage of client’s recovery is the lawyer’s fees. An injury lawyer in Cambridge charges lower percentage of the recovery amount if the case seems simple or settles early. For cases that take more time to settle or resolve, the lawyers ask for a higher percentage of recovery amount.

Types of damages

In personal injury cases, damages are mostly of two types. They are economic and non-economic damages. Economic or special damages include ongoing and future medical expenses, lost wages due to absence from work, and repair or replacement cost of damaged property. Economic damages can be easily measured or quantified. Non-economical or general damages are those which cannot be easily quantified. But a personal injury lawyer in Cambridge knows how to do so. Non-economic damages include pain and suffering, emotional distress, loss of companionship or guardianship, loss of quality of life due to disability or disfigurement.

Not all personal injury cases reach till the trail stage and you may not need personal injury lawyers for all claim cases. But if you hire a personal injury lawyer, the chances of getting the maximum recovery amount increases.Visit Here: BLFC Injury Law

Will Injury Lawyer In Cambridge Give Tips To Negotiate With The Insurance Company

When you have been into an accident which was caused due to the negligence of someone else, you would most likely file a claim for compensation with the help of your injury lawyer in Cambridge and would sometime face the representative of the insurance company to settle the claim. However, the fact is that when an organized demand letter is filed by your lawyer to demand compensation for the accident that was caused due to the negligence of the defendant, the entire process that would follow would become extremely easy and would also not be very time consuming. In such a case, you can simply expect that it would get resolved in a few phone calls or physical meetings with the representative of the insurance company.

When a claim is filed by the injury lawyer in Cambridge representing the plaintiff and a demand letter is presented to the insurance company for the demand of the compensation with accurate evidence and reasoning, the insurance adjuster would talk to you and your lawyer about the strengths and weaknesses of the claim made by you. After this, the insurance adjuster would make an offer to settle the claim at an amount which is lower than what has been demanded in the demand letter. In case you are not satisfied by the amount offered by the insurance adjuster, your lawyer would present a counter with a proposed amount which is lower than what you had quoted initially but higher than what has been proposed by the adjuster. In case that amount or something around that amount is accepted by the adjuster, the negotiations would get settled and you would get the compensation once all other formalities have been done.

In case you are presenting a claim with the help of your injury lawyer in Cambridge to the insurance company, you must have a settlement amount in your mind. This means that you should discuss the same with your lawyer and mutually decide on an amount which is lower than what is demanded in the demand letter, but would take care of the damages that you have sustained in the accident. This decided amount is for your own understanding and not for communicating to the insurance adjuster. Accordingly, when the insurance adjuster proposes a compensation which is closer to this amount, you or your lawyer would be able to decide and close the negotiations.

One thing that your injury lawyer in Cambridge would surely ask you before the beginning of the negotiations is that you must not jump at the first offer that is being made by the insurance adjuster as it is to be understood that if in the first place, the adjuster is making an offer which is close to the demanded amount, that means that your claim is worth more and you should get a higher compensation. For more information visit Our Website

Personal Injury Lawyer In Cambridge On Suffering From Accidents With Pre-Existing Back Pain

It is normal that you may suffer from a chronic medical condition or an injury. It is also possible that you are in the process of treatment or healing and at somewhere during that phase you suffer from an accident. The accident may make your pre-existing health condition or the injury more acute and serious. So, what happens in that case? A renowned Personal Injury Lawyer in Cambridge says this is a relevant question because it may happen to anyone any time.

The Injury Lawyer in Cambridge adds, surviving an accident while suffering from any pre-existing chronic medical condition or active injury is certainly going to make things complicated to recover your compensatory damage claim. However, this should not prevent you from recovering a fair and appropriate compensation from the insurance company of the at-fault party.

Different types of pre-existing medical conditions and injuries

A leading Personal Injury Lawyer in Cambridge with years of experience in handling this type of cases says the possibilities of pre-existing medical injuries before surviving an accident is practically limitless. However, some of the commonest ones include back pain, neck pain, previously fractured bones, herniated disc, strain and sprain, traumatic injury to the brain and others. He further adds, there is no compulsion whatsoever for accidents to make a pre-existing injury more acute and worse. Rather presence of a pre-existing medical condition can also enhance the effect of an accident.

Pre-existing health conditions and personal injury claim

If you have a pre-existing condition or injury that dates back before the accident then your compensatory damage recovery will certainly not include that, assures a leading Injury Lawyer in Cambridge. But there is also a clause; if negligence or any other wrongful conduct of the at-fault party contributes to make your pre-existing condition or injury worse, then the at-fault party could be held financially liable for it. In other words, then you can expect to recover compensation for that damage or those damages. But it is also important to mention in the same breath that although the rule is quite simple to say and understand but establishing liability in these cases is actually almost an impossible task to accomplish.

As far as personal injury cases that involve pre-existing injuries are concerned, it is practically very difficult to establish that an accident caused a particular injury, says an eminent Personal Injury Lawyer in Cambridge. For example, suppose you have never suffered from back pain as well as no history of back injury before surviving a car accident. The accident injured your back and since then you started suffering from back complications. In this case it is clear that the accident is responsible for your back complications. But if you already suffered a slip disc and have lower back pain before suffering a car accident, then it is an uphill task to establish the back pain that you are suffering from after the accident is the result of the accident itself. The other party will always argue the back pain that you are suffering from results from the pre-existing back injury. For more information visit here: BLFC Injury Law

Will The Accident Lawyer In Cambridge Work On A Settlement Before Trial?

In most legal claims arising from accidents, the lawsuit is resolved before a trial in a civil court. A typical settlement involves the plaintiff giving up their right to seek further legal action in return for an agreed-upon amount by the defendant or his insurance company. Before agreeing to a settlement, it is wise to hire an experienced Accident Lawyer in Cambridge with a proven record of success and a good understanding of what is fair and reasonable in your case.

Faster Process

One of the main reasons it is better to settle your injury case outside the court is its faster process. The average duration of a personal injury case in court runs from six months up to two years or more. In addition, this may also depend on how complex your case is. However, if you decide to resolve your case out of court with the negligent party, you can receive your settlement check on time.

Less Expensive

Going to court is expensive. Car Accident Lawyer in Cambridge have to be paid, and they often charge a lot of money for their services. If you’re successful, you’ll probably be able to recover your legal fees from the other party as part of your damages, but there’s no guarantee you’re going to win. Even if you do win, it could take years for the case to go through trial and appeals before you see any money from the other party in payment of those fees. If there’s a chance you might lose, then all that money spent on lawyers will be wasted.

Avoid Complex Trials

Settling a personal injury case outside of court before your trial can save you much stress and anxiety. A good Accident Lawyer in Cambridge should be able to settle your case out of court to avoid the need for a lengthy court process and handle all the unpleasant depositions along the way. It’s often the most practical way to resolve a case if you don’t have much time or money to spend on litigation.

While most people who settle their claims do so because they want fast compensation and peace of mind, there are some situations when it’s best not to settle, such as when:

• Your injuries are catastrophic or potentially fatal.
• You have large medical bills that you’re unable to pay.
• You’ve lost wages from being unable to work due to your injuries.
• Your case involves complex legal matters.

The Bottom Line

The role of an experienced Car Accident Lawyer in Cambridge is to help you understand your rights and evaluate your case, including the strengths and weaknesses of your claims, as well as the defenses and risks faced by the defendant. Your attorney will pursue a fair and reasonable settlement given all of these factors, usually on your behalf, without you having to attend court for the hearing, significantly if it does not alter the settlement terms. Visit Here: BLFC Injury Law

What Is Considered A Catastrophic Injury?

A catastrophic injury is considered the most severe injury in which the person can suffer lasting harm. They are usually the result of physical damage to the brain or spinal cord; these can have a significant short- and long-term impact on a person’s functional abilities. Catastrophic injuries not only cause severe amounts of physical harm but cause disabling and disfiguring as well. In this article, you will find:

• Types of catastrophic injuries.
• Causes of catastrophic injuries.

Types of catastrophic injuries

There are different definitions when it comes to catastrophic injuries, but something they have all in common is that they are deadly, permanently disfiguring, or cause permanent disability. Below are some of the most common types of catastrophic injuries:

• Spinal cord injury: This is the most serious injury. It occurs when the spinal cord is struck by a considerable force; it is often a result of vertebral fracture. When this happens, the spinal cord is no longer able to send messages between the brain and the rest of the body, meaning that the victim will end up partially or completely paralyzed depending on which part of the spine is damaged, and these injuries have no cure.
• Traumatic brain injury: when the brain is hit with tremendous force, deprived of oxygen, shaken or rotated strongly, or penetrated by an object they cause a traumatic brain injury. These injuries have the potential to be life-threatening, although some are more serious than others. They can leave a negative impact on a person’s cognition, thinking, memory, emotions, sensations, and other abilities.
• Limb amputation: losing a limp would be catastrophic and life-changing for anyone. Being unable to walk or do things people do on the daily basis without someone else’s help is tragic and may also be a nightmare.
• Burn injuries: they are deemed catastrophic for many reasons, including the fact that they are among the most painful injuries; they can also be life-threatening and severely disfiguring.

Causes of catastrophic injuries

Many factors can lead to a catastrophic injury. Below are some of the most common:

• Motor vehicle accidents.
• Bicycle accidents.
• Pedestrian accidents.
• Commercial vehicle accidents.
• Sports such as American football, cheerleading, gymnastics, rugby, ice hockey, snowboarding, water sports, baseball, football, canoeing, fishing, wrestling, diving, and many more.
• Assault.
• Medical malpractice.
• Defective products.

Contact Cambridge injury lawyers if you were a victim of catastrophic injuries

These kinds of injuries can be caused when people act carelessly, negligently, or recklessly, it is not always the victim’s fault. Contact Cambridge injury lawyers if you or a loved one were gravely harmed as a result of someone else’s actions, they will help you not to bear the financial consequences. Their professional and experienced team is always prepared to tackle these situations, and they will always make sure that your rights are enforced. Reach them out today to get the help and compensation you deserve. To read more Click Here